Lots of Homework: Here are Tips to Handle it

As a student, more often than not, we receive lots of homework. Whether it is a few math problems, filling a journal, history research, or an essay, we always have something to do.
Notably, this can cause panic in some students, and others just roll with their backs against the wall and get all their homework done on time. Today, we are going to look at the tips those students with all the assignments used to overcome this panic and get all their homework done.
What to do When you Have Lots of Homework
When you have lots of homework, staying focused and finishing fast can be hard. Here are some tips to help you get through it all.
1. Create a Homework Plan
Set aside a specific amount of time each day (about one hour) for homework. If you have a set time, you are more likely to stick to it.

Make sure you have all the supplies you need before you start — for example, pens, paper, or your laptop. Create a list.
Think about all the assignments you have to complete for this week or month. What’s the deadline? Write everything down so you know what you are dealing with.
2. Plan Ahead for Homework Success
Make sure you understand the assignment by asking questions if something is not clear. Write down all the deadlines in your planner so you know exactly what needs to be done or completed.
Use online tools such as Google Docs or Microsoft OneDrive to store notes and assignments so they are easily accessible when you are studying. It feels good to do your work from scratch. Lack of planning may push you to seek help from someone to write for you. In some cases, you might be caught.
3. Get Organized
Think about how much time you have at your disposal and how long it takes you to complete specific tasks. You need to be practical at this point and not waste time on things that do not matter right now.
Do the hardest homework first. That way, if you have time left at the end of the day, you will feel like a weight is now lifted off your shoulders.
4. Set Aside Enough Time for Each Assignment
If you are not sure how long it will take, use an estimated time, say, one hour per page on that essay and add more time if you need it. Break large tasks into smaller ones so they are easier to manage.

Don’t stop working until the timer goes off. Find a good place to work on your projects – somewhere quiet where there aren’t many distractions
5. Take Breaks when you need them
Finishing a tough assignment can feel impossible if you do not give yourself a break now and then.
But do not let yourself wander for too long between assignments, or you might never get back to work!
Take breaks because studies show that people who work for long stretches without taking breaks lose productivity. For example, take a 10-minute break every 45 minutes or so.
Why Lots of Homework is Not Good
Isolating Students from their Families
Families are important. They are our first teachers, and they help us grow into the people that we are. And while it is important to spend time with family members, it is also important to have time to ourselves so that we can become more independent.
However, when a student spends all of their time with their family and has no time for themselves, they will never learn to be independent. One way to avoid this is by giving students mandatory homework. Homework allows students to step away from their families for a few hours and concentrate on their studies.
Homework causes stress for students as well as their parents. Homework is extremely demanding, and many students are often stuck doing homework for hours at a time. Too much homework can result in a lack of sleep, headaches, exhaustion, and weight loss.

This leaves little or no time for other activities such as sports, hobbies, or socializing with friends and family members.
This can lead to health problems such as obesity and depression, as well as high blood pressure, diabetes, and ulcers.
No time for Extra-Curricular
When you factor in after-school activities like team sports, music lessons or religious education, there may not be enough hours to do everything as expected.
Why too Much Homework Can be good
The following are some of the benefits of too much homework:
- Homework reinforces what one learned in class.
- It improves your child’s thinking and memory.
- Homework helps your child develop positive study skills and habits that will serve him or her well throughout life.
- Homework teaches your child to work independently.
- Homework teaches your child valuable life skills like responsibility, time management, and organization.
- It helps you develop skills that will be useful in college and on the job.
- It helps you remember everything you did at school that day and helps you do better on tests and quizzes.
- It can be a good chance for parents to get involved in their child’s education.
Tips on How to Handle Lots of Homework
Homework is a necessary evil, but we all know it can get overwhelming sometimes. Here are some tips on how to handle lots of homework.
1. Make a Plan
The most important tip for getting through tons of homework is to stay organized! Start by making a list of your assignments and the times you have available to work on them. This will help you manage your time so you do not fall behind or miss any assignments.
2. Use your Resources

Your teachers are there to help you, so make sure you take advantage of their office hours or extra help sessions if you need them.
You can also ask an older sibling or parent for assistance if they have time to spare. Don’t be afraid to reach out because they want you to succeed!
3. Determine how much Time you have for Homework
Look at your weekly schedule and what you have to complete for each class each week to determine how much time you can devote to each subject.
Then, decide how much time it will take to complete each assignment based on the due date. For example, if you have more homework than usual one night, start by completing assignments with shorter deadlines first while leaving longer ones for later.
4. Stay Ahead of the Game
If you set aside time each day to work on an assignment, you will need to cram before the due date, which can lead to stress. Do your homework right after school or when you get home early. Don’t wait until midnight before it’s due to start.
5. Ask Teachers
Do not be afraid to ask your teachers for help. After all, they gave it to you because they thought it was necessary!
Talk to your teacher immediately if you have trouble understanding course material and class assignments. Do not wait until the night before it is due to ask for help! Your teacher wants to see you succeed and can point you toward other resources like tutoring if necessary.
6. Limit Distractions
Turn the TV off, put your phone away, and make sure that you are in a quiet place where you will get interrupted. Drugs or alcohol distracts others. If music helps you concentrate, listen to it through headphones so that it does not distract others in the house or apartment.
7. Find Study Groups
Study groups are beneficial. You do not have to do all the work yourself. You will learn that you can make a difference in the world by contributing to something larger than yourself. Start one of your own, and you will also benefit from being an expert in something others want to learn from you!