Can a Research Paper have Personal Experience or Narrative

A research paper is a type of academic writing that has a comprehensive analysis, inquiries, and argument of a different research that is independent. Even though the paper has similarities with academic essays, it entails detailed assignments and is usually longer.
Through a research paper, lecturers are able to know the learner’s writing skills and their level of scholarly research. As a student, you ought to show a strong knowledge of the topic given. In addition, analyze all available sources, then put your own contribution to the discussion of the topic.
For a research paper to be complete, writers must understand the topic by analyzing the assignment sheet. If there is any confusion, seek clarification from the lecturer to know more about the assignment’s goal, the formatting specifications, the deadline, and how to submit it.
Can a Research Paper Have Personal Experience?
A personal experience can be included in your research paper as long as it is relevant to the research topic you are working on.
The main goal is to ensure that the reader will connect to an event of your own life experience. In this case, putting a personal experience into a research paper requires the use of descriptive language.

Including personal experience is beneficial to both the reader and the writer. For instance, the writer feels more confident and will better understand the paper.
As a writer, the experience you include will also create a stronger connection with the writing.
On the other hand, the experience in a research paper will make the reader have an exciting time and enjoy going through your work. He or she will view your research paper from an insider perspective.
As usual, a lecturer can find it boring to read dry theories with no sense of humour. By adding a personal experience, you spice up the monotony of the paper.
The concrete life examples you include in your paper as personal experiences can engage the reader and make your piece more interesting to reward.
You will have more confidence when writing a personal experience in a research paper. This is because you are writing down an issue you know or are going on in your life. It will be easier to get support and backup because you are writing about something you experienced.
It could be an event you noticed or past practices that have taken place in your workplace.
When is Personal Experience Needed in Essay Writing
As a student, you will face paper writing cases that will specifically require you to include your own opinions, ideas, and real-life experiences. Personal experience is necessary in the research process.
Use personal experience if you are dealing with an assignment that has precisely asked for the reflection. If there is a situation that will need you to exemplify a particular theory, a personal experience will make the writing have a perfect flow.
These are some of the appropriate instances and places in your paper that will need personal experience.
Writing a Personal Essay

In order to effectively integrate your personal experience in your paper, always use the first-person point of view. This will help to connect with the reader directly.
In this way, your paper will be void of passive voice.
Also, you will avoid the chances of referring to yourself in a third-person perspective which can confuse the reader.
It is important to note that writing in the first-person language is not necessarily inappropriate if it is not opinionated or biased.
All you are required to do is stay on point and focus on experiences that are related to the assignment given.
Students are advised not to be too excited or get carried away about writing a personal experience so they do not go off-topic.
You can end up sharing more experiences than what was required in the assignment.
When it comes to the voice, be very objective and formal. A non-judgmental voice is very appropriate for a personal experience in a research paper.
Be formal and speak directly to the reader. Similarly, avoid sounding emotional even when giving an experience that may have bad memories or is affecting your life.
When writing a personal experience, it is also essential to remain open. You can consult different sources and viewpoints concerning your topic but make sure that your tone remains neutral.
How to Include a Personal Experience in a Research Paper
Primarily, it is important to choose a good personal topic that goes in line with the assignment you have been given.
Try to recall events in your life that can make a great story that depicts the research paper topic you have in hand. You can think of something you learned or a past event that happened to you.
Also, remind yourself of your special experiences with family members or friends.
The use of a personal story helps to draw the reader to the ideas you have included in the paper.

After ultimately finishing your personal experience story, citing is not necessary in your reference page.
This will make your work easier because even in-text citation in the article body is not necessary.
The experience you include is a life involvement and part of your voice and therefore does not need any citation.
You simply have to come up with your own experience; hence research or a source is unnecessary.
Below are brainstorming ideas you can use to come up with a good personal experience for your research paper:
- A past moment in the office or home when you were embarrassed.
- A major event that was small but very significant and life-changing.
- The sudden end of past relationships or events.
- A perfect relationship experience with a close person such as a parent, grandparents, or even friends.
- An encounter with a person who changed your life.
- The beginning of something new in your life
Instances When to Avoid Personal Narrative
Personal experience should not be used as evidence in your argument.
Curriculum theorists and even renowned researchers will not hesitate to give low grades on a paper that has personal experience used as evidence. All in all, that is the only area where using your own experience is discouraged in research writing.
Your personal feelings, beliefs, and experience can boost a student’s involvement in learning and have a better understanding of the subject matter.
The numerous advantages of including a personal experience in a research paper cannot be ignored. Your research paper will be accepted as long as you have followed all the guidelines provided.
Stylistic and linguistic grounds are among the reasons that can cause your paper to be rejected. A well-expressed personal experience, when put in a competently researched paper, will boost the chances of your manuscript being accepted for publication.
Students invest a lot of money, time, and effort in doing research, and it can be traumatizing and quite discouraging to have your paper rejected. As a student, writing a perfect research paper may be difficult, especially if you are doing it for the first time.
Revise your final research paper and ensure you choose the correct topic for a personal story. In this way, you will be able to create a good impression on your lecturer and boost your chances of earning higher grades.
Top-notch study papers portray a vivid picture of significant personal experiences that can move the reader and make the research paper more interesting.