How to Write a College Essay about Suicide or Depression
![A School Essay about Suicide](
Suicide is a serious issue, and therefore college essays should delicately approach this topic. Once asked to write a college essay on suicide, you already know it is not going to be fun as the topic is quite disturbing.
However, do not worry, it is a topic that needs to be tackled to have a mentally healthy society. Here, we will provide you with tips and help for good paper writing.
Why Suicide is a Contentious Topic
1. It is Frightening
![suicidal thoughts](
Suicide can be an incredibly frightening thing to consider, even if it does not affect you directly.
For those who are victims, such as those who lost a loved one in this way, it can be a difficult subject to discuss.
Their feelings may get amplified further when they hear about other suicides in the media.
2. It is Uncomfortable
It is possible that people do not want to talk about suicide because they feel uncomfortable doing so.
Suicide is a taboo subject in many cultures. Many cultures view suicide as a shameful act and those who attempt or commit it experience isolation from their communities, families, and friends.
For example, in Singapore, where suicide rates are reportedly among the highest in the world for developed nations, there is a law against attempting to commit suicide or helping someone do so.
Because of this taboo, there is little understanding or compassion for people with suicidal thoughts.
3. An Act of Cowardice and Weakness
Some people believe suicide is an act of cowardice and a sign of weakness because they think it takes a weak person to kill oneself.
In their opinion, it takes strength to face life challenges instead of taking one’s own life.
4. Suicide is an Unforgivable Sin
Some people view suicide as an unforgivable sin because it does not allow for repentance and redemption. They believe that whoever commits suicide will never get to heaven because there is not any chance for repentance before death sets in.
How to Write a College Essay about Suicide
1. Explain your Topic about Suicide
The first tip is to choose a topic. You can use your own experience and write about something that happened to you in the past. For example, you can talk about how your father died when you were young and how it affected you.
![writing your story](
The second step about suicide is to pick a subtopic. You can choose from different topics such as suicide prevention, helping people who have attempted suicide, etc.
Once you choose your subtopic, you will have an easier time narrowing down your topic so that it is easier for you to write about.
2. Craft your Thesis about the Suicide
Create a thesis statement. Most colleges require students to have a thesis statement that clearly states their argument in every college essay they write. This helps the reader to understand what your argument is before reading your paper.
Make sure your thesis statement is clear and concise so that it will be easy for the reader to understand what you’re talking about in your paper. Remember that the thesis statement is the main theme of your essay. This thesis statement is the main idea of your essay.
It will be like a road map for your work, so make sure that it is clear and easy to understand for your audience.
3. Write Your Arguments about Suicide
What exactly do you want to tell your readers? Do you want them to change their opinion about people committing suicide? Or maybe you want them to understand how important it is to help those who are at risk of killing themselves.
These are the questions that must answer before you start working on your essay.
When writing about suicide, you should understand that this topic is rather controversial and may lead to debates between the readers. Some people see suicide as a choice, others think that only those who are not strong enough to live commit suicide.
It can be hard to write something about such a delicate topic if you do not know what your main arguments about suicide are.
4. Recognize Counter-Arguments
To recognize counter-arguments, you need to put yourself in the shoes of one who disagrees with you. When you are writing about a topic very close to your heart, it is difficult to imagine what someone who disagrees with you might say.
You may have found it hard to imagine having a different opinion on the subject.
However, if you can manage this, it will make your arguments stronger and help your readers see that you are fair-minded. When you can anticipate what other people might say in response to your position, you will be able to answer questions before they arise.
5. Cite and Reference
![website citation in APA](
Do not forget that you may also have to cite your sources in a particular format, such as APA or MLA.
If this is the case, then make sure that you use the appropriate citations in your paper and put together works cited or reference pages at the end of your essay.
21 College Essay suicide topics Examples
- How to prevent suicide in college
- What are the causes of suicide?
- Is bullying the main cause of suicide?
- Are social media websites responsible for suicides?
- Is depression the main reason behind suicides?
- Does genetics play any role in suicides?
- Do anti-depressants work?
- Are there any religious reasons behind suicides? Do they commit it because they do not believe in God?
- What are the effects of suicides on family and friends? What are its psychological consequences on them?
- How Does Social Media Affect Teenage Suicide?
- What Role Does Depression Play in Suicide?
- What Is the Most Common Age at Which People Commit Suicide?
- What Is the Difference Between Suicide and Assisted Suicide?
- What Are Some of the Reasons Why People Commit Suicide?
- What Is the Difference Between Attempted and Completed Suicides?
- Why Do Men/Women Kill Themselves?
- How Do You Handle Someone Who Threatens to Kill Himself or Herself?
- What Are Some of the Signs That Someone Might Be Thinking About Killing Himself or Herself?
- How Can You Help Someone Who Is Thinking About Killing Himself or Herself?
- How Can You Help Someone Who Has Lost a Loved One to Suicide or Attempted Suicide?
- Does Culture Play a Part in How People View Suicide and Those Who Have Killed Themselves?
Meanwhile, there are numerous topics you can write your college essay about, and look at how to write college essays on immigrant parents and learn more.