How to reduce similarity on Turnitin: Cheat don’t get caught

Do you have a paper or an essay that is plagiarized? If so, all you want is to remove plagiarism and cheat Turnitin to pass it through. Are you ready to work on it and just want to know how to reduce similarity and plagiarism on Turnitin? Well, we will take you through in that post.
Before we start on it, I must mention that if you want to get expert advice, this is the place to be, just click on our essay services for help. To learn more on this issue, we must first know what Turnitin detects. Let’s get into deeper details.
How Does Turnitin scan similarity
To fully understand and tackle this question and the questions that will follow within this article, we should first explore the exact purpose of Turnitin and the characteristics or components that make it fulfill its purpose.
First of all, let put its clear that Turnitin does not pinpoint plagiarism incidents and it cannot prove that you have plagiarized your paper. This is something important and you will learn when you read our post on what Turnitin detects and know more.
What Turnitin does is to create originality reports that display a similarity degree between the resources within its database and the assignments you have submitted through it. So, what makes up Turnitin’s database resource?

Well, the database used by Turnitin for comparison is made up of:
- Papers that have been previously submitted by students
- Archived and current online content that is available to the public
- Newspapers, journals, and books.
- This is accomplished through Turnitin’s partnerships with library databases, publishers, publications based on subscriptions, and digital reference collections.
There you have it. Now, let us explore the real issue further.
5 ways How to Reduce Similarity on Turnitin
Now that you have understood the purpose of Turnitin and the resources it uses to compare your submitted papers, you might be wondering how you can reduce or avoid similarities together.
Understandably, some of the text within your paper may match with some other text from a different author’s work. This can be brought about by sentence structures that bring out the meaning or even by sheer coincidence.
Therefore, there is a probability that some of your text may appear to be plagiarized even when it is not. Here, we will discuss the various ways through which you can reduce Turnitin similarity and get scot-free if you cheat or trick Turnitin.
1. Cite your Sources to Avoid Plagiarism
One of the most obvious and recommended solutions to reducing similarity in Turnitin is to cite your sources appropriately. All academic papers should have both in-text citations and a reference, a bibliography, or a works cited page. This applies to papers that require APA or MLA formatting style.
In other instances, you can correctly cite your papers using footnotes or endnotes, whereby you create an in-text citation by assigning numbers to the text.
This especially applies to academic papers that are inclined towards humanities. The formatting style that applies to such academic papers is Turabian or Chicago style.
After completely understanding your paper’s required formatting style, apply either style to cite your sources to reduce similarity appropriately.
2. Use Quotation Marks to Reduce Similarity
The second solution that can reduce similarity in Turnitin is applying quotation marks (“…”) around every word, sentence, or multiple sentences quoted from another source.
This is very important because, without applying quotation marks, Turnitin will perceive the borrowed text as plagiarism. You should note that Turnitin can only recognize double quotation marks (“…”), not single quotation marks (‘…’).

Therefore, you should be using double quotation marks every time you are quoting text from outside sources to reduce similarity in Turnitin.
3. Avoid too many Quotes
The third solution is to avoid overusing quotations. Too many quotations mean you have not dedicated enough time to your paper. Too many quotations, especially from similar sources, increases the chances of similarity in Turnitin.
You should avoid doing so. In instances where the particular language which has been applied cannot be expressed differently because it would change the meaning, you can use reverse quotations.
4. Paraphrase Thoroughly to Remove Plagiarism
The fourth solution is to paraphrase content from outside sources. This especially applies in situations where you have already used more than three quotes. In our other guide article, we determined that Turnitin cannot detect paraphrasing, and if you do it well, you will be fine.
Since you aim to reduce similarity in Turnitin, you should use your own words to explain what the original text is putting forward. Such words should not be very similar to those used by the original text. You should note that using synonyms is not paraphrasing.
This is because even if you use synonyms, the meaning of your text will be similar to the original text and Turnitin will detect it. Therefore, paraphrase wisely to reduce similarity in Turnitin.
5. Avoid Copying word-to-word
Another solution that can be used to reduce similarity in Turnitin is to exclude smaller matches of between 5 and 8 words. This works when it comes to bibliographies, commonly used words, and quotes in the settings of Turnitin.
However, this will only apply to students whose instructors have told them to do so. It also applies to instructors who are not very strict on matters concerning similarity in Turnitin.
As aforementioned, Turnitin does not display plagiarism during its report; rather, it indicates the amount of overlapping text found in other works.
How to Cheat Turnitin – Plagiarize without Getting Caught
To cheat Turnitin easily, reduce similarity by paraphrasing any copied content, using quotes, and avoiding plagiarism by citing your sources.
As a student, you may have found yourself working tirelessly to create a paper, and when you run it through a plagiarism checker like Turnitin.
Also, you are horrified to find that your paper has very high percentage scores in similarity while the red and the yellow highlights populate your report.
You may have plagiarized your paper and want to get away with it. Okay, there are several ways you can cheat and plagiarize without getting caught by Turnitin. Below are some ways you can plagiarize without getting caught by Turnitin.
1. Change the format of your document
When it comes to plagiarizing your paper without getting caught by Turnitin, you can change your paper’s format. Turnitin detects various documents such as Word or doc formats.
Changing your Word or doc file into a PDF or image file format. This works because doing so is adjusting its structure will help you avoid detection.
If you utilize programs like Macros, you can fine-tune your work to the extent that Turnitin’s algorithm will be incapable of noticing that your paper has several matching texts. It will perceive your paper as an original piece.
2. Rephrase Everything
This especially applies to papers that are available online. Your instructor might have given you an assignment that has already been written and submitted by other students. And now it is available in its entirety online.
If you do not want to copy the whole paper and submit it as your own for the obvious reasons of being accused of plagiarism, you can rephrase every word or sentence. This is because Turnitin will only detect sentences with the same structure.
This is not illegal because you are still working towards completing your essay. Again, you have gone through English classes that require you to rephrase sentences.
Therefore, you are just practicing what you have been taught! By rephrasing, you will have created your unique piece that Turnitin cannot detect.
3. Swap Letters
This is a trick that has been used to cheat Turnitin for long. Here, you will replace commonly used characters with characters from other languages.
For example, the letter “e” is a commonly used character that can be replaced with an “è.” This will offset the whole algorithm. It offsets because it is comparing your English text and characters with other English text and characters from its database.
Therefore, your paper will be considered foreign by Turnitin. In that case, therefore, it will be unable to check it for similarity. However, be warned that it can lead to non-submission.
4. Paraphrase to Reduce Similarity

This is the safest and most effective method of plagiarizing your paper without getting caught by Turnitin.
Even though this might take time, the idea here is that you select an already-written paper.
You can get the papers or essays from online sources and paraphrase them. If the paper has infographics, you can copy them since Turnitin will not detect graphics in your paper.
By paraphrasing, you are rewriting the whole paper; therefore, it will be unique, and Turnitin will not detect plagiarism.
Finally, you can order professionally written papers from writing services.
Your paper will be unique, and you will score high grades here.
While plagiarism is abhorred and we encourage against it, sometimes having a few ways to trick, cheat or fool Turnitin can be useful. You can read our guide on the acceptable Turnitin score to know how much plagiarism is tolerated.
We do not encourage such shortcuts, but you may need them. This happens if you have no time, have a short deadline, or you just want to plagiarize and never get caught.
There you have it, but be careful to follow your university’s academic integrity policies. Do not even trust your own papers since Turnitin detects previously submitted work. Cheers!